Enrollment for our 2024 Summer Camps is now open / Ya abrimos las inscripciones para los Campamentos de verano 2024
In ARTeSTUDIO we believe that art is a unique form of expression and that all of us have something to say through the different art media. We offer space and guidance so all can find themselves in art within a space of experimentation and exploration.
ARTeSTUDIO is our workplace, it is where we paint and create. We open our doors to all those who have aspirations in the plastic arts and conduct classes and special events.
We speak Spanish. We believe that learning Spanish while doing artistic work is easier and a lot more fun; so, if you wish to learn or to practice your Spanish in a creative way, this too is your place.
We provide classes and events. We invite you to explore our webpage and to contact us if you have a question: artestudio.taller@gmail.com
We are waiting for you!